Monday, August 22, 2016

Chef Ooh lala Cookie Mania Mix Review

Chef Ooh lala
Gluten Free Cookie Mania Mix

I am so excited that more companies are providing gluten free options, but walking into my favorite hardware store last week and finding gluten free mixes on the shelf totally blew my mind! That's correct folks...Menard's is carrying gluten free mixes!

 I had never heard of the brand Chef Ooh lala before but certainly wanted to give it a try. I quickly snatched up a cookie and a muffin mix. Bringing home my gluten free treasures I had to share the joy with my husband who wasn't nearly as delighted as I was at the gems I removed from the bag. He of course is not gluten free and gets to indulge in sweet pleasures whenever he wants. He will never know how much I miss biting into a chocolate cream filled Krispy Kreme donut, a junior whopper or a taco salad. I feel like I have been in prison for six years. So yes, I do get overly thrilled when I find a new product and can't wait to give it a try.

Here is my review on the cookie mix. The box got my attention right away because of the mouth-watering image of chocolate cookies on the front. But to my surprise when I removed the bag to prepare these appetizing treats I was disappointed to learn that the mix contained no chocolate...Ugh! Yes the photo clearly showed delicious looking chocolate chip cookies but the mix is just a plain mix. A little deceptive in my thinking. Not to worry, my dear husband ran to the store for a few items and picked me up a bag of chocolate morsels.

 The mix required butter, water, egg and vanilla.  It was easy to stir by hand and I added plenty of the chocolate chips. While it baked at 350 degrees I could not resist tasting the dough. I know all of the warnings about raw cookie dough, but who can deny them self of this simple indulgence? It took about 12 mins until they were brown on the edges. I could hardly wait for them to cool.

I am pleased to announce that these cookies did not disappoint! They were soft and chewy, a light fluffy round delicacy. I definitely ate more than I should have and will have to redeem myself on the treadmill later....

So if you see Chef Ooh lala in your area, be sure to pick up a box and give them a try.