Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Review Simple Truth Organic Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Mix

Happy birthday to me!! Yes, I was born on Valentine's day and so my mother named me Valerie. When I was young I had A german chocolate cake at a birthday party and every year since, it was the only cake I wanted for my birthday. Most little girls want pretty decorated cakes, lol not me. I wanted my favorite and my parents always made sure I had one.

Fast forward to adulthood. When you're a grown-up no one cares if you have a birthday cake! I would buy the German chocolate cake mix and coconut pecan frosting and make my own...until 6 years ago when I became gluten free. Back then I had to make my gluten free cake from scratch, and it would just be a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Alot of work to do on your own birthday... :(

Then a miracle Happened! Companies started making gluten free cake mixes!!
You cant be to picky because you are limited to chocolate or yellow, but this was much easier than scratch. 

In 6 years of being gluten free, not one person has offered to bake me a gluten free cake (sad face) Even if they did, people who are not gluten free don't seem to understand the cross contamination factor. This year I decided to bake a chocolate cake with the coconut pecan frosting for my birthday. My husband ran to Kroger and was disappointed to learn they were out of the Betty Crocker cake he found this instead. 

It is chocolate and organic, that's a plus. To late to look for something else, may as well review it. 

The batter looked a little on the runny side. Baked it until it was done in the center and let it cool. 

Turned the cake over to remove it from the pan and it literally fell apart! Oh my gosh, my birthday cakes is just a pile of lumpy chocolate and crumbs!! Picked up a big lump and tasted it. The flavor was good, the cake was really dry, probably the reason it didn't stay together.

I wasn't going to let this ruin my birthday and opened up a can of the frosting. I picked the larger pieces and proceeded to frost them. It tasted much better this way but still dry and needed something to wash it down with.  My husband and granddaughter came to share in the fun. We had a good laugh and some birthday cake crumbs!

Ok, this cake mix may be organic but made according to directions it is very dry. I did not over bake, maybe my oven temp is off a few degrees?   If you are wanting a cake that you can remove from the pan to decorate, this is not a good choice.  I will stay with my favorite Betty Crocker mix until then....

Hope everyone had a fun Valentine's Day! 

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