Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reviewing Foster Farms Gluten Free Corn Dogs

One of the things I have really missed since being gluten free is a corn dog. I'm not crazy about hot dogs but I love a good corn dog.

 Every summer our town puts on a 3 day celebration with entertainment, crafts and many food vendors. But as usual for the past five years I have to settle for popcorn and a pepsi while my husband tastes all the fair favorites, steak sandwiches, elephant ears and of course corn dogs. It is pure torture!

Last week my hubby went grocery shopping and came home with a surprise. He found gluten free corn dogs by Foster Farms at our local Kroger store. (Now I realize why I married this man!)

 I was a little afraid to try it after an experience I had with another organic brand corn dog. This other brand was just awful! I threw the entire box in the trash.

Well, I prepared myself  to not get overly excited with the Foster Farms and preheated my oven. When I opened the box I must say they looked pretty darn good and put one in to bake. Eighteen minutes later I was ready to taste this little dog and loaded my plate with some mustard. One bite and I knew it was a winner!! This corn dog actually tastes like the corn dogs I remember!

 Foster Farms you are a genius! 

You can also cook these in the microwave if you're in a hurry, I have tried them in the microwave and the oven. I prefer the oven because I like them to get just a tiny bit crispy on the outside, but the microwave tastes pretty good too.

 So give them a try and let me know what you think!

I give them a thumbs up!

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