Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cauliflower Crust Grilled Cheese Recipe *Updated*

Spring is nearly here and soon we will breaking out the tee shirts, shorts and heaven forbid the swimsuits! Time to get active and start eating healthy.

I love a grilled cheese sandwich but found a healthier option while watching Dr. Oz.  If you like cooked cauliflower you will probably enjoy this recipe. Don't expect it to taste like a grilled cheese, there is no bread and the strongest flavor is the cauliflower.

 1 head cauliflower, cut into small florets (should yield 3 cups of cauliflower
1 egg, lightly beaten
½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
½ teaspoon fine grain sea salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper

I used a large head of cauliflower and it made 3 sandwiches. I don't have a food processor so I tried using my blender, that was a mistake. I could only grate a few pieces at a time and it was taking forever. I ended up using my old school hand grater and it was much faster and shredded the cauliflower into very fine pieces.

UPDATE *Since I posted this recipe I have found green giant riced cauliflower In the freezer section. This will eliminate alot of hard work grating a head of cauliflower. Might want to pick up 2 bags because I'm not sure how much it will make.

Cauliflower crust “bread” slices

Preheat oven to 450°F (220°C) 
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly coat with canned spray. Set aside.

In a food processor rice the cauliflower florets ( I used a hand held grater)

Place cauliflower rice into a microwave-safe dish and microwave on high for 7 minutes, until cooked.

Put the cauliflower rice in a tea towel and twist it to squeeze as much moisture as you can. This is very important. The cauliflower rice needs to be dry, otherwise you’ll end up with mushy dough, impossible to use as slices of bread.

Transfer the cauliflower rice to a mixing bowl, add egg, mozzarella, salt and pepper and mix well.

Spread cauliflower mixture onto the lined baking sheet and shape into squares.

Place in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes on one side, carefully flip over and cook another 5 mins.

Remove and let cool 10 minutes before removing.

Assemble cauliflower crust grilled cheese

Heat a pan over medium heat.
Butter one side of each slice of cauliflower crust bread (preferably the top part).
Place one slice of bread in the pan, buttered side down, add a slice of cheese  (I use colby jack) then top with the remaining slice of cauliflower crust bread, buttered side up.

Turn the heat down a notch and cook until golden brown, about 2 to 4 minutes.
Gently flip and cook until golden brown on the other side, about 2 to 4 minutes.

I was pretty pleased with my first attempt at making these! I didn't even break any of the slices when I flipped them. I sprinkled a little more salt and pepper before testing the appetizing square of toasted cauliflower and cheese.

It was delicious!!

Unfortunately I did not know that my husband hates cooked cauliflower! He loves it raw but can't stand the taste when it's cooked. Like a good hubby he ate one sandwich but I could tell he didn't like it. As for me and the dog (she loved it too) we will be making this again.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Udi's Chicken Florentine Review

I've never been crazy about eating frozen diet meals but before I went gluten free I managed to lose weight eating them.  Going wheat free may be better for your health but it didn't do much for my weight management.

Finally more companies are coming out with frozen gf meals and I am more than willing to try them. Our local Walmart is now offering Udi's products and I couldn't resist purchasing this one.

The individual size Chicken Florentine includes gf fusilli pasta tossed with seasoned grilled chicken, spinach and roasted tomatoes in a parmesan and white wine sauce. The chicken is raised without antibiotics, which is a plus for me.

Microwaving for a quick 3:45 mins. it comes out steaming hot, so as per the box I recommend letting it sit for a least 1 min.  I also prefer to pour mine into a nice dish instead of eating from a cardboard container. 

The pasta looks pretty much like the photo on the box. Not  overloaded with chicken but enough to satisfy me. I actually think it tastes better than some of my old diet meals. 

Over all I was very pleased with this product. And at only 330 calories it fits into my diet plan too!

Thank you Udi's for giving me new options! Can't wait to try the alfredo but it's not yet available here.

Keep thinking's nearly here!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Snow snow go away!!

Mother nature never cooperates when you want her to. I had wished for a white Christmas but she just couldn't make it happen this year. After the decorations and trees are all taken down I really don't care if we ever get any snow.

 The younger kids of course love the snow, praying that they get enough of the fluffy white stuff so that the district calls off school. Of course the kiddos don't have to shovel, scrape windshields or drive in it, so what seems fun to them is a burden to us.

 In a one week period we ended up with  15.5 inches of it....and with this season being well below average temps it's not going anywhere for a while.


Thanks to my husband, I now own a heated birdbath for my little feathered friends! The snow nearly covered the entire thing.

Since the majority of the snow hit on a weekend, I decided to have some fun with it myself. I asked my granddaughters if they wanted to come play, but stupid me I forgot their generation doesn't play outside! It's quite sad really, what electronics and technology has done to our children.

No worries, I proceeded to throw on my old snowsuit, boots and gloves and ventured out into the vast, desolate white landscape. It was really quite pleasant outside, I shoveled a path for our mail lady and then attempted my first snowman in 30 years!

The snow packed really well. I had wanted to make a large life size Olaf but found it to much of a challenge for this old gal. I ended up with a little 3 foot snow sculpture that took me about 1.5 hours! Surprising I never got cold or wet.

A little food color, sticks and a carrot finished my project. My neighbors must have thought I was nuts, but I had an awesome time!

So if life hands you lemons, make lemonade. If it covers you with snow, make a snowman! Make the best of your day.

You don't need kids to have fun!

Gluten Free Pork Chop Recipe

Ask my husband any day what his favorite Pork chop recipe is and he will always answer "Pork chops with stuffing and mushroom gravy".  I must admit I'm not a big fan of chops but I really love them cooked this way. Add some mashed potatoes and a veggie and you have a delicious meal.

  • Ingredients
  • pork chops
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 cups  bread (soft, cubes) I used Udi's gluten free
  • 2 tbsps onions (chopped)
  • 2 tbsps water
  • 1/4 tsp poultry seasoning 
  • 1 can progresso creamy mushroom soup
  • 1/4  to 1/2 cup water

Preheat oven to 350

In skillet sprinkle chops with salt and pepper then brown on both sides

In medium bowl mix breading ingredients adding water last. Add just enough water to make the breading stick together

Put chops in casserole dish and dallop a serving of stuffing on top of each one.

Pour the mushroom soup around the pork chops

Bake for 1 hour

In the mean time you can peel and boil some potatoes on the stove. The mushroom gravy is good served over the top of your mashed potatoes!

I hope you enjoy these as much as we do.

Think Spring and stay healthy!