Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Snow snow go away!!

Mother nature never cooperates when you want her to. I had wished for a white Christmas but she just couldn't make it happen this year. After the decorations and trees are all taken down I really don't care if we ever get any snow.

 The younger kids of course love the snow, praying that they get enough of the fluffy white stuff so that the district calls off school. Of course the kiddos don't have to shovel, scrape windshields or drive in it, so what seems fun to them is a burden to us.

 In a one week period we ended up with  15.5 inches of it....and with this season being well below average temps it's not going anywhere for a while.


Thanks to my husband, I now own a heated birdbath for my little feathered friends! The snow nearly covered the entire thing.

Since the majority of the snow hit on a weekend, I decided to have some fun with it myself. I asked my granddaughters if they wanted to come play, but stupid me I forgot their generation doesn't play outside! It's quite sad really, what electronics and technology has done to our children.

No worries, I proceeded to throw on my old snowsuit, boots and gloves and ventured out into the vast, desolate white landscape. It was really quite pleasant outside, I shoveled a path for our mail lady and then attempted my first snowman in 30 years!

The snow packed really well. I had wanted to make a large life size Olaf but found it to much of a challenge for this old gal. I ended up with a little 3 foot snow sculpture that took me about 1.5 hours! Surprising I never got cold or wet.

A little food color, sticks and a carrot finished my project. My neighbors must have thought I was nuts, but I had an awesome time!

So if life hands you lemons, make lemonade. If it covers you with snow, make a snowman! Make the best of your day.

You don't need kids to have fun!

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